The soul of soil, a guide to ecological soil management, par Grace Gershuny et Joseph Smillie, 109 pages, 8$

Soul of Soil provides an introductory guide to ecological soil management. The authors describe the practical farm implementation of ecological…

  • Soil health and humus are indivisable : health is the vitality of the soil’s living population, and humus is the manifestation of its activities.
  • A tillage system should incorporate crop residues and other organic matter into the topsoil where, in the presence of bacteria and and other micro-organisms, it can be digest.
  • Composting is the art and science of mixing various organic materials in a pile, monitoring the resultant biological activity, and controlling conditions so that the original raw substances are transformed into a stable humus.
  • Incorporate green manure in two passes, allowing it to partially dry before the final discing. This prevents the putrefaction caused by excess moisture.

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