This highly original book, with its unique format, will solve the gardener’s most difficult problem - what to plant with what. To make a “picture” that will delight the eye year-round is not easy, but this book will do for the gardener what color charts and samples do for the home decorator.
The bulk of the book consists of pages cut into four horizontal sections, each spread of which illustrates four selected plants - tall, medium, short and dwarf. Each of the 292 color illustrations depicts a detail and a profile (an important element of any planting design) of a tree, shrub, annual, biennial, perennial or bulb that has been chosen to fill the widest possible range of characters. Comprehensive text facing each illustration details visual features, soil requirements, cultural likes and dislikes, hardiness and major pests and diseases together with recommended varieties, hybrids and many related, similar species. Sections are divided into the four seasons so that plans can be made, for example, not only for an area giving winter enjoyment comprising subjects that have interesting silhouettes, good evergreen foliage or beautiful flowers, but also for mixing and matching plants whose seasons overlap.
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