Complete Homeschooling Support at Your Fingertips, par Linda Dobson, 350 pages, 18$

Homeschooling is revolutionizing the way many children in this country are educated. Increasing numbers of parents are finding that homeschools provide their children with a learning environment superior to that of public schools. Whether you are currently homeschooling or are just considering it, you’ve probably had questions, such as: Can I afford it? How do I set up a plan of study? And, most important, is homeschooling right for my child? Here—at last—are honest, practical answers to all of your questions and more!

Drawing from the collective wisdom and experience of the 39 most respected mentors in the field, The Homeschooling Book of Answers is your essential guide to one of the biggest trends in education. Learn how homeschooling may be your family’s best method for providing your child with the finest education. Your child deserves it!

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